The world needs your generosity. This isn't just about the giving of money. This is about sharing YOU. Who you are, your feelings, your thoughts, your time.
Why? - Because sharing YOU builds connection with those around you. It is both healthy for our own well-being and builds connection and relationship with those around us. We are relational beings needing meaningful and authentic connection with people for our mental health.
There are people around you that would absolutely LOVE to get to know more of who you are and what is important to you or what makes you tick. But perhaps you hold back because you fear judgement from others or you believe that what you have to offer isn't worth listening to or valuable or that people don't want to hear what you think or get to know who you are?
I'd like to offer a different perspective focused on abundant and assertive living. The world is starved of true connection and vulnerability. Let's contribute to an environment that is wholesome and uplifting. There are many people existing around us that are shut down and walls up because of the environment being cultivated around them, including what goes on the internet and social media. Let's be the difference.
How can we be a safe space for people?
Practice listening (listening to understand and give space, rather than listening to respond)
No judgement (allowing that person to be themselves without judging them)
Give them your full attention (be present with them)
Refrain from offering your opinion unless asked.
Accept they are different from you
Don't take anything personally
Refrain from seeing someone as your assignment or mission (you are not here to fix anyone)
Focus on the positives and how you can support them.
Start with small steps. Begin to share who YOU are with those around you. Begin to be generous with this. Share your feelings, your thoughts, your needs. You may be surprised at who responds to this and is hungry for this kind of connection around you. You may even see their excitement and eyes light up that you are sharing - YOU.
Have a blessed day and week ahead!
Cath xoxox
PS. A mindfulness meditation relating to this topic will be up on our Spotify podcast Beautiful MInds NZ later today and on our Mia Belle New Zealand You Tube channel.
Thank you for joining me again on Day 10 of 21 Mindfulness Inspirations.